Sing to me baby! ...Ribbit!
What sound does a frog make in YOUR language? Here is a list of some of the different ways people think frogs sound around the world!
Here are some REAL froggy calls to listen to...

Frog Calls
Here's a diverse set of calling frogs. It is not a complete collection for any place in particular, just species we happen to have sounds for. All but one species is North American (can you find the one that isn't?). Click on the call to play the sound, or on Species Account to see more information about that species.

Frog Calls II
To facilitate comparison review of frog calls, we have gathered together all the calls that are utilized for this online presentation.

Frogs and Toads in Color and Sound
Twelve photographs are featured in this photo-album, along with RealAudio sound recordings of each species' calls.

Dendrobates calls

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